Clouds (CD)


Clouds (CD)


Clouds is here and it is a physical thing! As the first “professional” physical release under my name, I’m really happy with the way it came out. In celebration, I’m sending these out for 20 buckaroos, signed and including a “Proud of my Rhino” sticker. Shipping is included, too! CDs will begin shipping on Friday, May 10, 2019.

Clouds is an ambient, electronic album based on a rock song I wrote years ago. These seven instrumental pieces were largely based on improvisations, refined for active or passive listening.

Before I was writing rock songs, I was writing piano solos inspired by Erik Satie, George Winston, and my mentor Patrick Lee Hebert. I would sit at the piano for hours and improvise. Sometimes I would write down what I did, but often it was just something I would do to relax.

It wasn't long before I figured my way around keyboards, synthesizers, and MIDI, leading me to move my meditative practice into the digital world. That space was (and still is) very comfortable to me. So comfortable, in fact, that recording and releasing songs like this seemed like a betrayal of my privacy up until I was preparing to write this album. There aren't dark secrets revealed in this music, but its creation is something I associate with personal routines. I'm not embarrassed by the fact that I brush my teeth, but it's not something I care to display to the world.

So why now? What is different? I guess it's because people are listening. Recently, I have been performing improvised, ambient soundscapes to accompany yoga classes across the country. My wife encouraged me to do so after years of listening to me noodle my way through "beautiful" songs. Her word, not mine. Most of the music I release has some consideration for live performance, hence my gravitation toward pop songs with lyrics. I'm not going to subject the patrons of a sports bar to 11 minutes of 9th chords at 40 bpm because, 1) I want to work again, and 2) I do my best to respect my audience.

Now this music has an audience. It always did, I just didn't know to look for it. I was busy rocking out. I still have a fair amount of rocking in me, but it's nice to embrace this side of my writing. Thank you for taking the time to listen to and read about this project.

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